As you may have read, we closed our Los Angeles retail store location permanently. This does not mean we are closed down as a business, in fact we are working on greatly expanding our wholesale manufacturing capacity to keep up with demand from our 2000+ retailers.
Meanwhile, people have been emailing us asking where they can shop No Tox Life products in LA, and where they can buy bulk and low waste.
Here is a list of zero waste stores and pop ups featuring a large selection of low waste goods including ours. All of these shops have ordered our products multiple times and are restocking frequently. If one of them doesn't carry a particular item you're looking for, definitely mention it to us (and them!):
Live Luca (Highland Park): - carries a wide selection of our products.
re_ grocery (Highland Park): (formerly known as Tare Grocery)
The Well Refill (Topanga): - also one of the ladies working with them is our former brick and mortar store manager 💓
My Zero Waste Store (Pasadena):
Homage Pasadena (mostly a gift shop but the owner Jill does carry a wide selection of our products):
Any other stores that should carry us or zero waste stores that we missed? Let us know on our instagram page or send us an email here.