Blog Posts

Remake Ceramics custom DISH BLOCK® dish soap and brush holder (and Giveaway)

Remake Ceramics custom DISH BLOCK® dish soap an...

Kari of Remake Ceramics in San Diego makes small batch ceramic pieces in her studio. As a user of the DISH BLOCK® solid dish soap, she was looking to create...


Remake Ceramics custom DISH BLOCK® dish soap an...

Kari of Remake Ceramics in San Diego makes small batch ceramic pieces in her studio. As a user of the DISH BLOCK® solid dish soap, she was looking to create...

Symbiotic Sunday

Symbiotic Sunday

Symbiotic means involving the relationship between two different types of living things (animals, plants or people). Usually refers to a beneficial or interdependent relationship. Example of symbiotic living from nature:...

Symbiotic Sunday

Symbiotic means involving the relationship between two different types of living things (animals, plants or people). Usually refers to a beneficial or interdependent relationship. Example of symbiotic living from nature:...

Eco Friday and Sustainable Saturday

Eco Friday and Sustainable Saturday

See here for the Symbiotic Sunday sale, starting at midnight Central timeThis year we are thankful to be growing our small business even coming out of the of the pandemic....

Eco Friday and Sustainable Saturday

See here for the Symbiotic Sunday sale, starting at midnight Central timeThis year we are thankful to be growing our small business even coming out of the of the pandemic....

All Treats, No Tricks

All Treats, No Tricks

Happy Halloween! For all online orders, including wholesale orders, Sunday (Oct 31st) and Monday (Nov 1st), we are giving you a fun treat - a free bar of vegan moisturizing...

All Treats, No Tricks

Happy Halloween! For all online orders, including wholesale orders, Sunday (Oct 31st) and Monday (Nov 1st), we are giving you a fun treat - a free bar of vegan moisturizing...

Earth Day 2021 - Recap, Sale & 7th Company Birthday

Earth Day 2021 - Recap, Sale & 7th Company Birt...

It is our 7th Birthday today! No Tox Life launched on Earth Day 2014 and we have been busy ever since manufacturing our products. We have grown from our very early...

Earth Day 2021 - Recap, Sale & 7th Company Birt...

It is our 7th Birthday today! No Tox Life launched on Earth Day 2014 and we have been busy ever since manufacturing our products. We have grown from our very early...

Winter Storm Impacting our Austin Facility 🥶

Winter Storm Impacting our Austin Facility 🥶

UPDATE Feb 22nd (Monday) our staff are back to work and we have caught up shipping all e-commerce orders - wholesale orders will be caught up by the end of...

Winter Storm Impacting our Austin Facility 🥶

UPDATE Feb 22nd (Monday) our staff are back to work and we have caught up shipping all e-commerce orders - wholesale orders will be caught up by the end of...